Configure Twilio

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Call & SMS
Configure Twilio

Go to and sign up in Twilio if you are new and sign in if you are already using Twilio. Then get your Account SID and Auth Token.

To Get Account SID and Auth Token

  1. Login to your Twilio account and verify your number.
  2. Once your number gets verified, you will be signed in.
  3. Click on My first Twilio account.
  1. Scroll down, and you will get your account info, which contains your Account SID and Auth Token. Copy them.
  1. Go to Salescamp's settings, click on Phone setting and click on Connect Twilio.
  2. Paste your Account SID and Auth Token.
  1. Click on connect Twilio.
  2. Turn on the toggle for the number through which you want to make calls and SMS and click on the Link number, and you are done.

Support is always available if you need assistance configuring Twilio. We are here to assist you through your Salescamp journey.

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