January 13, 2022

5 blunders you are making in your email CTA's:

5 blunders you are making in your email CTA's:

Your company has been planning how you send your emails, yet you do not receive the response you want to receive by the end of the month.

Well, in this case, you cannot entirely blame emails—they can be your friends or your foes, depending on how you drafted the email. One of the main reasons emails become your enemy is that they end on a flat note with no call to action. The CTA (call to action) determines whether the client reads through your email or sends it straight to the trash!

It's scary, right? Not unless you pause and read through Salescamp's blog!

email call to action

Now, what is CTA? How to write a CTA? Understanding how to write a CTA is a complex yet fun task, and we are delighted to be here and help your company reach its peak. You can thank us later. So, before further ado, let's dive into the email CTA tips.

One essential tip is: when you say you have understood what a CTA is, but your client comes to you after the email and asks you, "what now?" you have sadly failed.

Below are 5 sins that you are doing while writing a CTA.

1. You don't have a clear picture of a CTA

- If you don't inform your prospect what you desire them to do, how will sales take place in your company? Hence, always include a CTA even if the email is clear.

2. Your email includes too many CTAs -

The more logic, the pleasanter doesn't work here. The more CTAs you have will just confuse the client.

3. Your CTA creates doubt -

Make it clear to the client what you want them to do. For example, if you want them to make a call, give them the date and medium; send them a link if you want them to use a website.

4. Your CTA is a pressure on them -

You want them to be very relaxed when they read your mail, hence make sure your CTA doesn't show any forcing power on them.

5. Your CTA asks for a lot -

Again, more the merrier is a big no, and in no way you should force them to do anything. Make it an open one action, but don't make it very small and boring.

Technology has advanced, and hence, the CRM updates and checks how valid your CTA is. In addition, it gives you all updates as to who responds in which manner.Now that you have mastered and understood the mistakes let's move on to the perfection part.

How to draught a perfect CTA :

The points mentioned above are a BIG NO. Most companies put a lot of pressure on their clients using CTAs. Well, let's not cry over spilt milk and get to the solution.

Use the following hack for perfect CTA examples :

  • Use the 1,2,3 hack :

At this point, you just want them to understand what you are trying to sell and make them wish not to answer it. Simply give them 3 options where they just have to decide and reply in numbers.It is one of the best email cta practices.

For example, sir or ma'am, your options are as follows:

Option 1: ABC

DEF is the second option.

GHI is the third option.

And they will reply in just " Option 1 suits us the best".

email CTA example
  • Give them an easy way to reply; give them options where they have to answer yes or no:

Whether it's a call or a booking for consultation, you have to mention all details and ask in such a way that they have just to say a yes or no.

For example, would noon on Thursday, December 21st, 2021, work for a 15-minute call?

This is one of our tried and tested email cta examples.

CTA in email marketing
  • Make complex tasks easy :

Give them a quirky line to make them follow what you are demanding.

For example, "Here is a unique link which closes soon. It is your last chance to test the product and experience it before purchasing it. Click here, and you'll understand what I've been saying. "

In conclusion:

If your company has worked hard to generate a client's attention, why let it go just because of the CTA?Why throw the fight when you are on the verge of winning?

If you cannot find or make a new CTA for every new email, use one CTA but make it so crisp, gripping, and easy to optimise your copy around it and handle objections.

Happy Emailing!

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